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Basic Info

Age: 18
Birthday: 07/19 (month then day)

Height: 4'11

Favorite Color: Purple

Likes: Heavy metal. fighting & winning
Dislikes: Fairness, the police & show offs

One thing you could say to the world: ||Unintelligible British Gibberish||

About Zora Scourge

America was one of the last places you'd expect Zora to be in, and truth be told it's the same thing that she told herself as well. At a young age she was always a troublemaker, and with her living in the northern parts of Britain, she was more or less inclined to getting into a lot of fights and messing with people just for the fun of it. She was able to use her affinity for technology, alongside her street smarts to basically get away with anything she wanted. Later on, she was caught up in an incident with 2 other kids her age and the principals car, in which she


After the police got hold of her, the British government got involved and realized that she was too much of a threat to be released again and too much of a burden to keep in their country, so they decided to strike a deal with her. Rot in jail, or get sent off to America. Zora took the obvious choice of not going to jail and was forced along with her split family to be moved to America, where she attended Tsunagari High. She got a solid reputation for being someone you shouldn't mess with at the school, and those who made fun of her height also found out really quickly that her temper was just as short as she was.  Despite her tough fighting spirit, the alternate realm provided a completely different experience for her, a world in which nothing was afraid of her anymore. Her true challenge now not only had to be working with the people she's threatened before, but now having to see the extent of how far her bravery will go.

Zora Game Guide


It's pretty clear that Zora has a lot of inspiration from Eunie from Xenoblade 3, but really she doesn't have any other inspirations aside from that. Really when making her I was thinking about how another delinquent character would fit in with the cast and Zora sorta just spiraled from that one meme about the Birmingham guy on xbox. Yeah you know the one! Zora is probably one of the most original characters out there but that's mostly because I thought about how Chihuahua's acted and built her character around that. You could also maybe say she takes some inspiration from the Overwatch series, as she acts like she would be someone who lives in Junker town, but aside from that there's really nothing else. It was fun looking into the more dingy northern parts of Britain to write her character, as it does create a lot of contrast from the main cast that for some reason, has also made her one of the most loved in the audiences eyes.


Behind the Scenes

Zora is a weird mixed bag that I had to juggle, because believe it or not she's basically the tank character of the group. In the game she constantly get's the killers attention and gets increased evasion because of it. She's very chaotic out of the rest of the group, which shows in her design since her outfit keeps making her try to look tough. Hell she even wears platform boots to try and hide how short she is, but even with those on she's still shorter than the rest of the cast. I'm glad that when making her she wasn't just "Short and British" joke 24/7, but I could add some depth into how rebellious she is. She even serves as a star contrast to Melody through her liking heavy metal and being selfish compared to the classical and selfless Melody. Everything about her is brash. bold and defiant which makes her one of the more tougher characters. Now this doesn't mean she can't be scared though, but she see's everything as a challenge and everyone else who's unwilling to fight cowards. Outside of that, she's smart and pretty perceptive in her own way, which I think adds a lot more to her character and prevents her from being a complete meathead like Chris. Overall, Zora serves to be a character that creates a lot of contrast and conflict, while despite being fearless and selfish, she still isn't a complete monster or asshole to you unless you're her enemy.

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