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Basic Info

Age: 18
Birthday: 05/14 (month then day)

Height: 5'7

Favorite Color: Yellow

Likes: Music, cooking & seeing people smile!
Dislikes: Selfishness, harming others & dirty cities.

One thing you could say to the world: No matter what you go through, everything will be okay! Stay strong!

About Melody Clef

Coming from the city of Paris, Melody grew up often having to take care of her younger siblings who constantly fought with each other. Her dad was often at work, so Melody had to take it upon herself to do things like cook and clean for the family. It would be considered rough for most, but she quite enjoyed taking up the motherly role of he household and seeing the smiles she brought to everyone's faces. She found herself at many times, humming tunes to her siblings to calm them down, and later on taking up piano to play for them as well. She was performing so well that at points she would even play for other kids and was even encouraged to volunteer at nursing homes to perform. With her dad seeing the talent that she had in the art of music, he saved up enough money to be able to send her to America and attend at Tsunagsari High. Not only is she going there to one day become a grand performer, she also is attending to try and become a doctor just like her mother so she could take care of people. She often had to anyways when growing up, so she when moving to Tsunagari she thought about trying to apply those skills to something of a career someday. Living away from her family in America provided it's own set of challenges, but nothing would have prepared her for what was coming next. Upon entering the Alternate realm, she realizes that the priority wasn't just trying to survive the worlds dangers, but also the danger of her own teammates trying to kill each other.

Melody Game Guide


Melody was honestly mostly original if you could believe it or not, but she was also based off of characters like Pai from Worlds End Club, Kaede Akamatsu from Danganronpa and Ms Accord from the Puyo series. This comes from my own experiences and a memento to those friends I had as well, but Melody is mostly inspired by the "Mom Friend" archetype. Usually the person you would vent to about your day, or the one that would pack the good snacks on picnics and road trips. You could also say she takes some inspiration from people like Mercy from Overwatch, since her whole thing in the series is to be a kind healer as well. If anything, when working on her I didn't try to pull from the inspirations themselves, but instead tried to put the values of purity and empathy into her character.


Behind the Scenes

Despite how "Boring" and "Basic" the public may find this archetype, working on Melody felt like a refresher for me. I've seen the archetype of "Healer but tired of everyone's shit" or "Cute thing is actually aggressive and insane" one too many times and every time I see that archetype now I just sigh. Melody is definitely a supportive main character more than anything else, as even in the story itself she has no starter weapon and just makes a medkit. In the game version her character even gets a penalty to fighting because her archetype isn't built for going combat medic and murdering everyone. Even in her design she looks fancy and pure but I wouldn't expect her to solo a monster with her bare hands. (that's Chris and Zora's job anyways lol.) Melody is definitely someone you would want to be around and if you don't then to be honest it most likely stems from jealousy. Melody is mostly at peace and just want's to help people because it's the right thing to do, not because she has to or because no one else will. It's often forgotten that being kind and wanting to help should be an automatic thing we feel like we want to do, not a drag that we have to do. Melody embodies that spirit of tranquility and selflessness and in return, she receives that same generosity back.

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