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Basic Info

Age: 65
Birthday: 10/14 (month then day)

Height: 5'10

Favorite Color: Dark Green

Likes: Smoking, Spinning Guns and Milkshakes
Dislikes: Silence, traitors and Hypocrites

One thing you could say to the world: Live how you want, but not like an idiot.

About Idris Armada

Commonly nicknamed, "General" or "G.I" (for General Idris), under the military he was finally able to make a name for himself and achieve his goals. Being the last surviving member of his military team, he's not used to the silence that their end brought. What's even more jarring is that his new team are way younger than him, high school students at that. Though they have shown themselves to be capable without the help of an adult, he still worries about the implications of their presence and has a duty to stick by them. "How the hell did they get here? Are they really bringing kids into this now?" are the thoughts that cross his mind just by looking at them. It's disappointing, it shows a failure to complete his own mission, but in his eyes, it shows that the once mighty government that he worked for is getting desperate. He'd hate to have to lose them too. Even before marching straight into the alternate realm, he hasn't had anyone to call family. A child who lost both of his parents in war, choosing to fight for what he believed was the truest justice of them all, revenge. Ever since then, it's all he has ever been able to know.  In the alternate realm, new challenges aside from the killers are going to arise, such as working with a team after being alone for what feels like centuries. Will he be able to keep them alive along with himself, or is he going to end up losing another crew of friends on his journey to complete the mission.


You and I both know it at this point, Idris was inspired by Bill Overbeck from the hit series Left 4 Dead 2. You're probably wondering then, "Why did you add him when there's already 10 survivors as the main characters?" and the main reasoning is that there needed to not only be a secret reward for the players in the game version, but also a means to explain what actually happened and bring that satisfaction and closure to the military theory, along with helping some of the characters to complete their arcs of course. Funnily enough, when coming up with his name I was thinking "Hey, I should name him G.I Bill after the G.I Bill, it would be super funny cus he's Mr Military!" and then I was reminded that L4D2 exists and just said that he's inspired by that now. As for his name, we did a group poll on it since his name needed to start with an I. Can you believe his name was gonna be Indira? A name I misremembered from "The Spear Of Indra" from FE3H?


Behind the Scenes

Idris was never officially tested! Although Mochi was yeah, we never got to unlock him in the playtest before everything went to hell! I've kinda kept him on the backboard for most of the content, since he's kinda that trope that twist villains have. This isn't to say he's a twist villain, no far from it, but they just show up in like the last 15 minutes, start doing backflips or whatever and then bam, end of the movie. He shows up more towards the end of the series which gives him time to breathe and bond with the party rather than the last 15 seconds, but I still feel kinda guilty pulling him out of my ass. He is a pretty cool character, and luckily I was able to continue his character into the post Subliminarity era for the cast, so he still remains a mainstay as a survivor, but he's still considered more in the "ally category" since he wasn't there for the entire journey. Also someone respawning with a full ammo gun and supplies is absolutely insane, but that's another reason why I save him for the end rather than an immediate pick class. Having another damage utility character may not seem like a good thing, but luckily the rest of the DLC characters make up for that, and having someone with Kizen's playstyle but not completely getting rid of his utility is a nice touch. Sometimes going solo can be good, but again, with his attribute I don't want to encourage players to just run and gun as the first thing when the round starts. Oh yeah, overall? uhm... Old military dude stereotype is cool, this'll be the last war he'll have to fight in... Hopefully...

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